The Rush Revere Valentine’s Day Special

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 11,2019

RUSH: My friends, we had a caller a moment ago who said Rush Revere dittos. And I haven’t mentioned the Adventures of Rush Revere book series in quite a while, but the books are out there, they continue to be purchased, and they continue to be popular, and we routinely and regularly hear from young kids who love these books.

And I’ll tell you, it’s more than ever now important that the younger generation know and understand the truth about how this country came to be and who the people were that made it happen and how they made it happen. That’s the purpose of the Rush Revere book series. They need to know the story of how our country came to be and what a miracle it was and remains.

The Rush Revere series makes American history fun. Rush Revere, that would be me, substitute history teacher has a sidekick, a talking horse named Liberty who can time travel anywhere back in American history. That was the vehicle we used, and we actually take readers back to these formative events and put them in those events rather than just recite the events as statistics and facts and so forth. And so the books, they really make history come alive. They’re not boring at all. We hear from people over and over, young readers who had zero interest in reading but now love reading them.

So we thought that we would give your family the love of liberty and American history. And if you’re in the market shopping for a doll or a teddy bear or some such thing why not give an adorable Liberty plush? We have got the cutest little doll made of Liberty the talking horse, soft, cuddly, a miniature Liberty stuffed animal from the Rush Revere series. It’s adorable. It makes the perfect reading companion. If you go to the Rush Limbaugh Show Store website and enter the promo code LOVELIBERTY at checkout, you’ll get five dollars off a Liberty plush and a free signed Liberty photo.

So it’s very simple. Rush Limbaugh Show Store website, RushLimbaugh.com and find the store, enter the promo code LOVELIBERTY at checkout we’ll give you five bucks off the Liberty plush. If you’re in the market for a stuffed animal for the kids or something, consider one of these. Very, very cute. Great little Valentine’s present, especially if your kids love the Rush Revere series. A portion of all proceeds go to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, a great organization dedicated to helping the children of fallen heroes.

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