Happy (Early) Birthday, El Rushbo!

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 10,2020

RUSH: Here we are back at it, Rush Limbaugh, doing what I was born to do and having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have while doing it. A lot of people have been asking me what I think of the… (interruption) Oh, here we go.

STAFF: (singing Happy Birthday)

RUSH: (chuckling) I thought —

STAFF: (singing)

RUSH “Happy birthday. Happy birthday.” Man, do these look good. Wow. These are cupcakes rather than one big cake. So I’ve got two candles here. Okay. (blows) Ah-ha! I got ’em both in one exhale. Do you realize the carbon dioxide it took to get rid of those?

SNERDLEY: You thought we forgot? Did you think we forgot?

RUSH: No, I didn’t think you forgot. I thought you’d do it on Monday, but I’m not gonna be here Monday.

SNERDLEY: (laughing)

RUSH: (laughing) I thought I had crossed you up.

DAWN: You thought you were getting out of it.

RUSH: I thought I was gonna get out of it. Yes, birthday… Let’s see. What is this? This is the 10th. It’s Sunday, and I’m not gonna be here. Don’t worry, folks. I haven’t lost my place and nothing’s changed. I don’t like making a big deal out of birthdays. What’s the big achievement of a birthday other than, you know, living another year? What is this? (reading cake) “Making Your Birthday Great Again.”

THE PRESIDENT: I just want to wish you a happy birthday. I would never say in your case that you’re fired. So I’ll just say, “You’re hired!”

RUSH: (laughing) That’s the birthday card! It’s a Trump birthday card. Let me try this again.

THE PRESIDENT: I just want to wish you a happy birthday. I would never say in your case that you’re fired. So I’ll just say, “You’re hired!”

RUSH: (laughing) Thank you all. Thank you all very much. It’s Open Line Friday. Let’s hit the jingle and get going.