The Swamp Unites to Spend $1 Trillion We Don’t Have on “Infrastructure”
JASON: One of the things we were gonna do — had I won the U.S. Senate race, had President Trump had his second term — is go after civil service reform.
Show Prep for the White House! Trumpster Calls Out the Congressional Sexual Harassment Slush Fund
RUSH: This is exactly the point that I made yesterday in the program.
E.J. Dionne Is Still Wondering Why Liberal Talk Radio Doesn’t Work
RUSH: They think they've lost control of opinion-making to social media, to talk radio, and to any number of outside/agitator-type forces.
Obama’s Secret Speech About Me
RUSH: The importance here is that I think this blurb, this sound bite from Obama, emphasizes something that I want you all to always remember.
Leftists Are Tearing America Apart While the GOP Stands Aside
RUSH: For 30 years, the Democrats have been able to call Republicans anything with impunity — racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, and add on to that — and there's been never any pushback.