The Nonsense of Electric Vehicles Being the Answer to High Oil Prices
RUSH: The free flow of oil at market prices is the number-one factor in a stable economy in this country and most of the Western democracies.
History Will Not Be Kind to Those Who Pushed the Disastrous Lockdown
Unnecessary lockdowns stole our election rights, crushed our economies, ruined our lives, and abused our children.
Guest Host Ken Matthews
Ken Matthews filled in for Rush. Check out Ken's Stack of Stuff.
Obama: Trump Had No Idea About Our Spy Operation
RUSH: There’s a New York Times story that I think everybody’s missing what it's about. It is that after Trump met with Obama in 2016, Obama said Trump "knows nothing."
What to Expect from Nadler, the Round Mound of the Gavel
RUSH: If Nadler somehow fails to make the case, then he can become the fall guy for Pelosi.