
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Hagel Gets What He Wants

RUSH: Let’s go to this Hagel business. Here is a sound bite from yesterday’s program, me...

Liberals Resurrect the ERA

RUSH: ‘Democratic Lawmakers to Reintroduce ERA — Liberal Democrats in the Senate and...

Mark Pryor’s Secret Plan

RUSH: Here’s Ken in Orlando. Ken, thank you for waiting. Welcome to the EIB Network.CALLER: Hi,...

The Rush Limbaugh Diet

RUSH: I just checked the e-mail here at the top of the break. ‘Rush, I saw you stand up. I’m...

Gone With His Wind

RUSH: I have to share this with you. I always check websites during the break here. Some online...

Arnold & Rush Story Goes On

RUSH: The Arnold-Rush whatever it is, is still being discussed on the Left Coast on day three....

Bush Hits Democrats Hard

RUSH: You gotta hear these next four sound bites. President George W. Bush fired up. It sounds...

PA Rush Baby Sick of Specter

RUSH: This is Mary in Allentown, Pennsylvania. We own Allentown, by the way, and I appreciate your...

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