
Rush Limbaugh

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Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Talking Loud

RUSH: Nancy Pelosi was in Phoenix this week still ranting about the Trump tax cuts. She tried to upgrade her rhetoric. Instead of calling the tax cuts “crumbs” and making fun of the people who appreciate them, she exploited a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King.

Your Host Smeared on the Parkland Students

RUSH: Your host is being smeared all over the United States over something I didn't even know had happened, and yet I am supposedly the leader of the group of people saying it.

Gun-Control Stampede Aimed at Trump

RUSH: The stampede consists of getting Trump to raise the age limit, and the next thing that they're pushing is for Trump to ban bump stocks to "get serious."

Democrats Have Hijacked the Student Protests

RUSH: I'm blaming the kids for nothing. I am saying the Democrat Party and the American activist community organized Alinsky left has taken over the student protest.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: This feature is for Rush 24/7 members. We update it in real time with specific stories I talk about on the program. And then we add any that I run out of time for and hold over for the next excursion into broadcast excellence.

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