
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

EIB High Note: “One Life” by Norman Kerner

KEN: This is a guy who is a member of the EIB audience. He wrote, produced, and performed a song, and he reached out to me, and I heard it. I immediately shared it with the team.

Rush Exposed the Big Climate Lie Decades Ago

KEN: One of the biggest lies is the climate hoax — every decade, pieces of it fall apart. Yet every decade the news media embraces it because that's what they're told to do by the left.

Homeschool Mom Taught Her Kids Using Rush Revere

CALLER: When we first started homeschooling about five years ago, they were young. They're 6 and fourth grade now, so we actually used the Rush series as their homeschool history curriculum.

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