
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Claire McCaskill Steps In It Big Time

RUSH: McCaskill has come along and has demanded that there be an investigation… This has forced media outlets in St. Louis to play the video so they understand what it is she's talking about!

I Wish I Knew How Hannity Went

RUSH: We'll get your feedback on it tomorrow after you take your time to watch it tonight. So, it's live at 9 p.m. Eastern Time on the Fox News Channel.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: This is my real Stack of Stuff with whatever I talk about on the air — and if I don’t talk about it on the air, it’s not that important for you to know about! Plus, anything I don't have time to get to is put into The Holdover Stack for my next program.

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Black Death Redux

RUSH: Bad News. According to a new study, man-made global warming is going to kill off barley crops in 34 different regions worldwide. The result? Beer shortages. And skyrocketing beer prices.

Spare Us Your Fake Horseface Outrage

RUSH: She's not just an innocent, ordinary, everyday woman that Trump decided to call a name! She is a woman who attempted to ruin him!

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